Defining Success

Change is hard.  

At least that’s what I used to think.  

Can I tell you a secret?  

Some transformation is difficult but not all of it.

 Let me illustrate with a personal story.


Every year the students at my school go to a challenge and adventure ropes course.  These courses include various team-building activities, obstacle courses and personal challenges.  I went two years in a row, and in both instances, I learned valuable and unique lessons.  My life changed forever.


Knowing a little about me will help you understand the reason for the profound impact.  You see, I was born with cerebral palsy.  Simply put, that means I came into the world black and blue, and my parents were told to say goodbye.  God had other plans.  Just because I lived, however, doesn’t mean I was unscathed.  I do walk with a limp and have struggled with self-image issues.


For me to take on any part of the ropes course was a big deal.  It’s not an overstatement to say, every movement, every step up the rope, took an act of my will.  My left side is considerably weaker than my right.  Fortunately, my peers recognized that and cheered me on.


A year later, I returned to the same course and decided that my primary role that time was to cheer on others.  Surprisingly, the impact was no less powerful. 

I discovered strength, determination and grit within me.

Without trying and pushing my limits when faced with a challenge, I may never have known my capacity.

Sometimes progress requires action.  Other times it requires patience and trust.

The first year, I chose to do the course because I felt like I had something to prove to myself.  The second year, I opted to stand still and cheer.  That was difficult.  What would others think, I wondered.  Am I being lazy or chickening out?  In the end, I resolved not to let doubts get the best of me.  I trusted my convictions and stayed patient in the process.


Regardless of how the process plays out, teamwork is essential.

Initially, my peers' cheers sparked me, and my choice to press on provoked their thoughts and emotions.  The second time, I lent encouragement.  Both approaches were needed.  It came down to the right thing and the right time so that we could best support each other.

Ultimately, it comes back to believing in yourself

In both examples, my choices went a long way toward influencing the results.  What I decided to believe provided my foundation to go forward.  Otherwise a fall is inevitable because there is little or nothing to stand on.

What happened as a result of those lessons was a tipping point that’s still paying dividends.  “I love myself,” I said one morning before I realized what happened.  Suddenly I saw myself as I was created to be – lovable, powerful and equipped to succeed – A lifetime of lies was undone in a moment.  Now to walk in alignment with the truth.  

What’s your truth?  Who were you created to be, and how are you walking that out?


"A Simple Change can make a big difference." Ready to make one?  Let me know.  I'd love to help you and cheer you on!


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